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This page clarifies the legal status and primary communication channel of each legal entity associated with CRYONiQ® products or services.
All companies listed below are legally separate entities, that act independently, and they carry their own portfolio of products and services.
Listed companies are generally in the position of an authorized distributor, agency or reseller. is dedicated to the promotion and advertising of CRYONiQ® products and services.

The website is owned and operated by Cryoniq® s.r.o. - Slovakia EU.
In case of inquiries related to the operation of the website, please contact us on [email protected]
For legal matters related to individual entities, please use the following channels of communication.

Cryoniq® s.r.o. - Manufacturer of CRYONiQ® Products
Nitrianska cesta 119
Nove Zamky, 94002

IČO/REG: 47 857 021
DPH/ VAT: SK2024120054

Email: [email protected]

Czech Republic
Cryoniq® Sales & Import s.r.o. - Authorized Distributor of CRYONiQ® Products
Pražákova 1008/69,
Štýřice, 639 00 Brno
Czech Republic

IČO/REG: 06520898
DPH/VAT: CZ06520898

Email: [email protected]

United States
CRYONiQ® LLC - Authorized Distributor of CRYONiQ® Products
500 Delaware Ave.,
Wilmington, DE, 198 01
United States

Email: [email protected]

United Kingdom
Cryoniq® Ltd. - Authorized Distributor of CRYONiQ® Products
The Coach House
20 Huxley St.
Altrincham, Cheshire
WA14 5EL
United Kingdom

REG: 10209580
VAT: GB 284143111

Email: [email protected]

Via maestri di lavoro 120
21040 Cislago (VA)

Email: [email protected]

Provisio Line
Provisio Line Kft Győr 9022
Móricz Zsigmond rakpart 6-8.

Email: [email protected]

South Korea
ION International
64 Seokchonhosu-ro,
Jamsilbon-dong, Songpa-gu,
Seoul, South Korea

Email: [email protected]

Medical Disclaimer
1) Products manufactured by CRYONiQ® s.r.o. are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease or illness.
2) Products manufactured by CRYONiQ® s.r.o. are not medical devices.
3) Under FDA and Industry Procedures for Section 513(g) the CRYONIQ® Cryotherapy Chamber is not classified as a medical device.
4) CRYONiQ® s.r.o. does not promote medical claims on any of its platforms and does not condone the spread of unsubstantiated medical claims by CRYONIQ® representatives, associated parties, customers or product users.
5) CRYONIQ® s.r.o. and associated partners abide by the following statute: Any medical claims used in connection with CRYONIQ® products must be substantiated by medical research of the potential medical device, medical treatment, mode of treatment and application of treatments and subsequent certification processes according to local health authorities.

Under European trademark law, within the territory of the European Union, the CRYONIQ mark is the property of Cryoniq s.r.o., registered in Slovakia, EU
Under United States trademark law, within the territory of the United States, the CRYONIQ mark is the property of CRYONIQ LLC registered in DE, United States.